Joint Injections

People who suffer from arthritis and other conditions with the joints can benefit from joint injections. These simple treatments are often composed of steroids or hyaluronic acids that can alleviate inflammatory effects on the joints, ultimately reducing discomfort and helping you feel better when moving around. Joint injections can be performed in a number of body areas and can give you significant relief from joint pain.

Please contact All-Star Orthopaedics for more information on joint injections, or to schedule a consultation with one of our orthopaedic surgeons.

Benefits of Joint Injections

Joint injections have been used for many years in the treatment of pain and inflammation of the joints. They can be used to treat patients suffering from some forms of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis, as well as those afflicted with gout. Although steroids are often what is used in joint injections to reduce the joint inflammation, viscosupplementation treatments with hyaluronic acid, such as Synvisc and Supartz injections, may also be performed. The goal of joint injections is to slow the progression of inflammatory conditions, and in the case of viscosupplements, replace lost fluid that lubricates the joints. They can be particularly beneficial for patients suffering from arthritis and osteoarthritis; however, they may also be useful for patients afflicted with other joint diseases and even those who have suffered from injury.

Joint injections typically involve one or a series of injections in the affected area. There is usually minimal recovery time. Most patients experience some swelling and/or discomfort in the injection area after the procedure; however, this should fade quickly.

Doctors at All-Star Orthopaedics can meet with you in an initial consultation to talk about all aspects of joint injections and how they may benefit your needs.