Why Schedule an Orthopaedic Surgery Post-Deductible?

As the year winds down, many people are focused on celebrating the holidays with friends and families, and may push off appointments and procedures into the new year. However, if you have met your health insurance deductible, there are three significant benefits to scheduling an orthopaedic procedure before the holidays start picking up.

Here are four steps to take advantage of these benefits:

In conclusion, scheduling your orthopaedic procedures as soon as your healthcare insurance deductible has been met is a smart choice that can lead to huge financial and health benefits. There are several factors that can delay the process, such as physicians being booked for weeks out, the amount of time to get insurance authorization, as well as pre-operative medical clearance for most patients. Make the most of your healthcare coverage by scheduling an appointment today with any of our amazing Dallas-Fort Worth orthopaedic surgeons at All-Star Orthopaedics.